Indie Spotlight: CC

Sometimes, science fiction means big-budget and action-packed, with space battles, elaborate costumes, and expensive special effects.

Other times, however, it means something small, quiet, and thought-provoking.

It is that second type of sci-fi that we get from CC, a short film from the indie sci-fi production company DUST.

Image owned by Dust, and used here only for review purposes

CC, starring Jewel Staite as an android nanny and the titular character, explores questions about child-rearing.

What is the best way for children to grow up?

Is it better that no mistakes are ever made with them, or that they have their parents?

Where is the line at which a parent is unfit to take care of their child?

It also explores questions about AI taking over work currently performed by humans.

How will it affect people when their labor is rendered meaningless or redundant?

Are there certain jobs that we should not automate away, even if a machine can be more technically proficient?

CC is the first short film from Dust that I have watched, and I can tell you that I will be exploring other films they have made on the strength of this one. It is beautiful, well-paced, and Jewel Staite shines in it. My heart broke for CC even as I was creeped out by her.

So, especially given that it is only 14 minutes long and free to watch, I can definitely recommend that you check CC out.

Give it a watch and then let’s discuss it in the comments down below. Are CC’s assertions completely off-base, or does she have some valid points?

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